The Installation of the 41st Grand Master
MW Bro B. Khristian Albano
Held on Saturday the 28th of September
MW Bro Steven A Rubin
Reflecting upon this historic time in our fraternal life together, in celebration of Most Worshipful Khris Albano’s ascent to the Oriental Chair, I take liberty to paraphrase from one of our sage Past New York Grand Masters, MW Brother Frank H. Robinson, who made the observation that “Our history is crowned with unprecedented success...”
We have all been brought closer together by the relations that have existed. We have learned to appreciate each other's worth and merit. We have been inspired to deeds of usefulness and given new zeal in our work for humanity. As the years go by and we recall each other's work of the past and the effect it must have had upon our lives, I am sure that we will be more convinced that it was a labor of love and a preparation and an inspiration for deeds well done.
I ask all the Brethren present to please join me and especially the officers and members of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of the State of New York, in giving tribute to the Most Worshipful Grand Master-elect, Grand Officers and Brethren of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as they embarked upon this important journey with their newly elected Grand Master in commemoration of their proud legacy of strength, resilience and esteemed quality, which are the core principles of our cherished fraternity.
The essayist Henry David Thoreau eloquently wrote, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dream, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” I warmly express the gratitude of our Craft in New York to MW Brother Khris Albano for sharing his vision, dreams and triumphs while meeting with us upon the square and the level this day.
In closing let it be said that the resolute qualities of understanding, wisdom and compassion demonstrated through the leadership of MW Brother Khris Albano, did not come easily, but were the result of unending hard-work, dedication and the didactic and voluntary offering of service to his beloved Fraternity. Let us at this time be reminded of the erudite words of John Ruskin, the English Reformer who said,
“When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight nor for our use alone. Let it be such work as our descendents will look upon with praise and thanksgiving in their hearts."