The Installation of the 41st Grand Master
MW Bro B. Khristian Albano
Held on Saturday the 28th of September
MW Bro Luke Wood

The Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania and I, as their representative, extend our sincere fraternal greetings and congratulations to MW Bro. Khristianne Albano on his being installed as the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory.
While the distinguished office of Grand Master is not without its challenges, we trust your enthusiasm and zeal for the Craft and your shrewd business acumen will ensure the good works throughout the State & Territory will continue to prosper under your coming term of office and beyond.
We also congratulate your incoming Deputy Grand Master and all the new Grand Lodge Officers and wish them every success.
We would also like to acknowledge the significant contribution MW Bro Les Hicks has made during his time at the helm, particularly fostering relationships across Australasia, New Zealand and beyond, including a close and enjoyable one across the Bass Strait between our Jurisdictions, culminating in his being announced as your Grand Lodge Representative for Tasmania and we look forward to welcoming you all to our Island State in the many years to come.