The Installation of the 41st Grand Master
MW Bro B. Khristian Albano
Held on Saturday the 28th of September
MW Bro Ariel T Cayanan

I extend my most sincere felicitations to MW Lesley N. Hicks on the completion of his term of office as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. This occasion provides your Brethren an opportunity to reflect on the labors that have been undertaken for the benefit of the Craft this past year.
With this, we look forward to the assumption to the Grand Oriental Chair of your 41st Grand Master, MW Khristian S. Albano. I know him personally and I can attest that the gavel of the United Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT has been passed on to a most qualified, proficient, just, and upright Mason.
Leading thousands of Brethren is an immense endeavor that requires undistracted commitment and decisive stewardship. The success of your Grand Lodge is due, in no small measure, to the dedication of those who have offered to serve and sacrifice.
At the core of our obligation to the Fraternity is the constant pursuit for genuine Education to ensure the proper Enlightenment of the Brethren and achieve desired Equilibrium. Only after being properly educated about the Craft can we truly give ourselves as living exemplars to others — becoming better men, better believers, better husbands, better fathers, better sons, better neighbors, and better professionals. Through genuine Masonic Education, we are able to appropriately perform the duties we owe to God, society, family, and our Fraternity.
Brethren, may you continue to uphold and promote the Tenets of Freemasonry together with those noble principles in pursuance of which our Craft was founded and consecrated to the Great Architect of the Universe. I pray that, through our distinct contributions for the betterment of the Fraternity, may there be more men in the light and may there be more light among Masons.
Congratulations once again! Mabuhay!