The Installation of the 41st Grand Master
MW Bro B. Khristian Albano
Held on Saturday the 28th of September
First Grand Principal and Grand Master
M Ex Comp Robert Drake
Mark and Royal Arch Masons of NSW and ACT
On my own behalf and that of all Mark and Royal Arch Masons of NSW and ACT, I wish you the heartiest of Congratulations in becoming our 41st Grand Master and on this wonderful occasion of your Grand Installation.
Your dedication, hard work and skills, together with great enthusiasm throughout the many years have led to your attaining the highest position in this jurisdiction. I have no doubt that with the support of Caroline, your commitment to excellence and the growth of Freemasonry in NSW & ACT will underpin your leadership and inspire the members.
As a Companion, you have had a personal commitment to Mark and Royal Arch Freemasonry for over 20 years.
Our joint organisations form a 'One Journey' approach to Freemasonry called Pure Ancient Masonry and your support of this is well acknowledged by all. We look forward to working with you and continuing to build a strong fraternal bond.
We congratulate you, we salute you and we support you. We wish you every success for your term as our Grand Master.
The Mark and Royal Arch Masons of NSW & ACT also wish our esteemed friend and Companion, MW Bro Les Hicks and Narelle all the very best for the future and thank them for all the support and kindness they have extended to our Order and its members during their term. Penny and I have very much enjoyed the friendship and we thank you both for the way you have helped in bringing our two organisations closer together.
MW Bro Hicks, congratulations, you have 'Marked Well'.