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A Masonic Family celebrates with their Masonic Family.

16 August 23


On Saturday 12th August 2023, over 200 masons their wives and children celebrated the Installation of W Bro John Callao into the chair of Lodge Blacktown Kildare number 393.

The Lodge received eight fraternal delegations from other lodges far and wide including Lodge Macquarie at Dubbo and Lodge Novacastria at Newcastle. Brethren travelled from New Zealand, South Australia, Queensland, and Victoria to support a brother DeMolay and celebrate.

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The Deputy Grand Master led a strong delegation of over forty Grand Officers including the 38th Grand Master Jamie Melville and the Assistant Grand Master RW Bro Paul Schultz into the lodge room.

The Worshipful Master Elect Wor Bro Callao, a Senior DeMolay was installed in a ceremony led by the Installing Master, RW Bro Ferdinand Don Pandes PJGW RGC Region 2 with senior DeMolays taking part in the Board of Installed Masters. A dispensation was granted by the Grand Master to allow visiting Senior DeMolays to present the working tools:

  • 3rd Degree Working Tools – W Bro Pol Placido Candia (Supreme Grand Representative for New Zealand Order of DeMolay Philippines) from The Eden Lodge No. 1530, UGLE
  • 2nd Degree Working Tools – Bro Julius Santos (Supreme Grand Representative for South Australia Order of DeMolay Philippines) from Lodge Fidelity No 5, UGL of SA & NT
  • 1st Degree Working Tools – Bro CJ Manalo (Supreme Council Order of DeMolay Australia) the WME of Plaridel Lodge No. 1893, UGL Victoria

It was to be a family affair, so acting on a further most generous dispensation from the Grand Master, after the third proclamation and the presentation of the working tools the newly installed Worshipful Master closed the lodge, and the ladies who had been patiently waiting outside were admitted.

The Grand Director of Ceremonies then announced a delegation from The Malvern Chapter of The Order of The Eastern Star led by Worthy Matron Sister Linda Rowlinson and Patron Bro Richard Rowlinson. Included in the delegation was Sister Jheannie Callao the wife of the now Worshipful Master. The Deputy Grand Master RW Bro Khris Albano warmly greeted the Worthy Matron and Patron and invited them to a seat on the dais.

The Grand Director then announced the Senior Councillor of Pheonix Chapter of DeMolay Bro Jullian Callao, son of the Worshipful Master accompanied by other members of the order who were again warmly welcomed by the Deputy Grand Master.

Once more the Grand Director made an announcement this time it was for Ms Talese Skinner representing the Supreme Inspector Ms Lorraine Rayner, and members of Cumberland Assembly No. 2 of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls, NSW & SA.  Including in this delegation was Lauren Callao the Worshipful Master’s daughter. They were again greeted by the Deputy Gand Master and seated in what was now a very full lodge room of 114 brethren, a 41-strong Grand Lodge delegation, and 51 attendees including Ladies, DeMolays, and Rainbows!

So, in the company of his family and his masonic family and friends from near and far, the Worshipful Master of Lodge Blacktown Kildare proceeded to invest his officers. The Address to the Worshipful Master was delivered by the Assistant Grand Master, the Address to the wardens by RW Bro David Leabeater PDGM and himself a Senior DeMolay from 60 years ago who had travelled from the Central Coast for the occasion and the Address to the Brethren by the Deputy Grand Master RW Bro Khris Albano.

The Deputy Grand Master presented the Worshipful Master with his Installed Master’s Certificate and then called upon the DGIW of District 25A VW Bro Gene Capistrano to present the Immediate Past Master Wor Bro Emmanual John Arceo with his Past Master jewel making a comment that it was very gracious of Wor Bro Arceo to allow RW Bro Pandes to install his fellow Senior DeMolay.It is worth noting that during the public portion of the ceremony members of the Sydney Shriners Club were given dispensation to wear their Fez, WB Callao being a member, they formed part of his masonic family.

In a touching gesture, before pledging loyalty to the Grand Master, W Bro John Callao requested DeMolay brothers to deliver a charge that held a special significance for him. 

Bro Tristan Dela Cruz, son of VW Bro Edgar Dela Cruz, delivered the “Father Talk”, a speech tailored to their fathers, emphasizing one of the Cardinal Virtues of the Order of DeMolay, Filial Love. 

The Ceremony of Light, highlighting the 7 Cardinal Virtues of a DeMolay, was eloquently presented by Bro Jayden Tayag, son of W Bro Jay Tayag.

The Deputy Grand Master then retired accompanied by the Grand Officers followed by all the family and friends. During the festive board the Worshipful Master invited RW Bro Khris Albano, MW Bro Jamie Melville PGM and RW Bro Paul Schultz to help him unveil a new banner for the Lodge that had been especially commissioned for the occasion.

The festivities continued long into the evening with live music, singing and dancing.

It will be an installation many will remember and a great introduction to many to the wider masonic family that is there for us all to share and enjoy.

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Photo Credits to RW Bro Romy Neito


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