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A shining light amidst the shadows of a surrendered charter.

30 August 23

In the heart of Goulburn, a chapter of history drew to a close as the brethren of Lodge William Ross No. 76 gathered on a Tuesday night, the 1st of August, 2023. It was a night tinged with both sadness and hope, as the final meeting of the lodge took place. However, as the doors of one chapter closed, another door swung open to usher in a new Freemason and mark a new beginning.

W Bro Peter Watt, the Worshipful Master of Lodge William Ross, with the weight of tradition and significance, stepped forward, holding the lodge's charter. This symbol of continuity and unity was soon surrendered to the hands of a Grand Lodge representative, VW Bro Simon Hruza, District Inspector of Workings for district 47. The torch was passed, the baton exchanged, and with it, the legacy of Lodge William Ross found a new path.

Amongst nearly 40 brethren who gathered in attendance, the air was heavy with a mix of emotions. Yet, even in the midst of farewell, the evening unfolded as one to be cherished. The bonds of brotherhood, which Freemasonry so steadfastly nurtures, lightened the room. It was an excellent night, a celebration of the shared journey that had brought them together.

As the chapters turned, a poignant transformation occurred. The majority of Lodge William Ross's members chose to transfer their memberships to the Goulburn Lodge of Australia. In this act, a sense of unity and forward momentum for Freemasonry in the Goulbourn Valley emerged. A collective commitment to securing the future of the craft resonated, as brethren recognised the potential of consolidation.

Amidst the bittersweet aura, a ray of new light emerged. The night embraced not only farewells but also a heartwarming welcome. Bro Anthony Horvath was initiated into the fraternity of Freemasonry, stepping onto a path that generations before him had trodden. RW Bro Ken Bellingham, a stalwart of the order, occupied the Chair for the First Degree. His guidance, supported by brethren from Lodge Ethos, Lodge William Ross, and Goulburn Lodge of Australia, marked the initiation of a new Mason with reverence and pride.

In the south, a celebratory atmosphere flourished. The toasts resonated with an undercurrent of unity, camaraderie, and the rich heritage that Freemasonry encompasses. Amidst laughter and shared stories, a sense of belonging permeated the room. And, as tradition would have it, the spread of sumptuous food brought everyone together in the spirit of fellowship.

This was more than a night of farewells; it was a testament to the enduring power of Freemasonry. As one lodge's journey reached its conclusion, the legacy was entrusted to the next generation, a torch of wisdom passed to eager hands. The light of Freemasonry, despite the shadows of change, continued to shine brightly, irradiating the hearts of those who gathered, as a new chapter unfolded and a Freemason's journey began anew.

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