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Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia

24 August 23

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia:

  • This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aasr123456677.pngIs a unified Order nationwide, Australia’s only National Masonic Body – One Nation – One Order – Same Ritual
  •  Has two streams of Membership; one requiring Trinitarian belief and the other open to Brethren of all faiths
  •  Our Meetings are usually held approximately 4 times per year, so the time and financial commitment is not onerous
  • Is governed by the Supreme Council for Australia, every Chapter across Australia works under the one set of Regulations.

 The Ancient and AcceptedScottish Rite Worldwide:

  • Is the largest body of Freemasons in the world working under a single constitution. In numbers of members it is second only to Craft Freemasonry
  • Is also known as Rose Croix Freemasonry (18°)
  • Is the only Masonic Order that provides an opportunity for the advancement to the 33°

You can become a Rose Croix Mason!This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is assr12098766.png

The term Scottish does not imply that the Rite came from Scotland. In fact it was developed in Europe and ‘Scottish’ is the translation of the French word ‘Ecossais’, from their Ecossais degrees.

So that you may know something about the Rite, set out below is a portion of its history. One of the important degrees in the Rite, now known as the Rose Croix Degree, is claimed to date from before 1700. Indeed by about 1730 some 12 versions of the degree existed. In its early years the Degree had an interesting history and was an integral part in what were known as ‘The High Grades of Masonry’. The 1762 Constitutions of the Rite of Perfection listed it as the 18th Degree (5th Grade) in the twenty-five Degrees of that Rite which rapidly spread throughout the ‘Masonic World’.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is reglia-aasr.png

Under ‘The Grand Constitutions of 1786’, the Rite of Perfection was reorganised and extended to the 33rd and last Degree of Freemasonry. It was renamed the ‘Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’, with the Rose Croix Degree continuing as the Eighteenth Degree in the new Rite.

While the Craft degrees are acknowledged to be the foundation stone of all Free- masonry, the instruction given in the Craft degrees is, however, seldom fully grasped by the candidate. He needs further instruction and enlightenment to understand the great truths which Freemasonry possesses and teaches. The Craft degrees are but the wonderful entrance to the great Temple of Freemasonry. He who would seek more light, more knowledge of the mission and symbolism of Freemasonry, a more complete interpretation of the teachings of the Craft degrees, as well as acceptance into a very special fellowship and Brotherhood, can obtain these within this Rite.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aasr2.pngThe Rite is, thus, broadly appealing to Master Masons of good character who are interested in developing their Masonic knowledge and their circle of Masonic friendships. If this is you, then you can be sure of a hearty welcome within a Chapter of the Rite.

The Supreme Council for Australia, which is the sovereign authority for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Australia, is led by a Sovereign Grand Commander, who is supported by the Officers of Supreme Council (the 'Tableau'), comprising the Regional Commanders and the Grand Secretary General. The Chapters and Councils, which are the regular working bodies of the Rite, are aggregated into Districts led by a District Commander, and these into Regions led by a Regional Commander.

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To become a member of our Rite you must be a member in good standing of a Craft Lodge owing allegiance to an Australian Grand Lodge or a Grand Lodge in amity with an Australian Grand Lodge. To remain a member of the Rite, you will be required to remain a member of a recognised Craft Lodge. Your three Craft degrees are accepted as equivalent to the first three degrees of this Rite. If you truly seek greater knowledge of Freemasonry, we invite you to apply to join our Order. I am sure that you will find the experience both uplifting and rewarding.


for more information Contact: Grand Secretary General
Phone: (02) 9267 2089
Email: [email protected]


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