Celtic overtones to an initiation
31 July 24
Mr Anthony (Anton) Michael Covre took his first step in Freemasonry and was initiated into The Glen Innes Lodge.
At this time of year, the township of Glen Innes conducts its annual Celtic Festival which usually coincides with our May meeting; occasionally we attract visits from travelling tourists.
This year, Lodge Secretary RW Bro Ken Michell was contacted by a member of the Queensland Masonic Touring Club seeking details of our meeting night. The group was organizing a trip to Glen Innes to attend the Festival and were eager to attend our lodge meeting especially when they learned that we were initiating a candidate.
So we were very fortunate to welcome visitors from District 18, but also members of the Mobile Masons NSW and the Queensland Masonic Touring Club.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Worshipful Master, W Bro Peter Filewood and the newly initiated brother led the brethren down to the South where the Junior Warden, RW Bro Ross Haron, had prepared a tasty supper.
After the meal, we all resumed our friendly banter and enjoyed the fellowship of the brethren. The evening was capped off by a raffle, with the visitors winning most of the raffle prizes and going home with the spoils!