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Don't forget to stay in touch

29 August 22

It makes the evening special, and it gives the Worshipful Master something to talk about in General Business!

However, it should nudge our consciences if we have not contacted that brother since he last came to lodge. It is so easy for us to say, ‘Well, that’s the duty of the Caring Officer.’ True, but it really avoids the issue: it is the duty of all of us to maintain contact with all the brethren in our lodge. The Order of the Secret Monitor goes a good way toward this ideal with the concept of Visiting Deacons but nevertheless, it is the duty of all of us.

This photo features the Grand Master, the Immediate Past Grand Master, MW Bro Tony Lauer PGM and his granddaughter. The Grand Master reports that MW Bro Lauer was very happy to be in the company of his fellow Grand Masters.

We are not all going to become Past Grand Masters, but the point is that in our lodges and districts we need to exhibit the same concern for our absent brethren.

In this issue of the Freemason we have some particularly interesting stories and I suggest that you turn to the following:

  • The celebration of our Past Grand Master’s efforts
  • How your Grand Charity works
  • Recipients of Queens’ Birthday honours, and
  • Keeping in good health whatever your age.

Finally, any brethren who wish to attend the New Zealand Grand Installation are warmly invited to do so, the details of which can be found below.


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