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Grand Lodge goes to Victoria

14 July 24

‘Hands Across the Border’ (HATB) is an annual meeting between brethren from NSW & ACT and Victoria.

By RW Bro Khris Albano

It is scheduled for the last Saturday of May each year, with this year’s event being held in Wodonga, hosted by Lodge Belvoir representing both Wodonga Lodge and Huon Daylight Lodge. The Grand Masters of NSW & ACT and Victoria were both in attendance, each being accompanied by a Grand Delegation.

The Saturday afternoon saw a full lodge room in Wodonga. The lodge was opened by Lodge Belvoir (UGLV) who received their Grand Master, MW Bro Bucca who in turn received the UGL NSW delegation.

The brethren of UGL NSW & ACT performed an educational presentation called the ‘Flight of the Winding Stairs’, comprising part ritual and part theatre complete with sound and light effects.

An excellent banquet followed at the Wodonga Bowls Club. It was a vibrant night with the usual good natured interstate rivalry and banter, with the highlight being the presentation of cheques to Vicki Anderson representing Uniting Care. A total of $27,545 was the net result which included a very generous donation of $10,000 from Masonicare (NSW & ACT). This will enable Uniting Care to continue to expand some of its programs in the area. A raffle and auction raised well over $2,500 which was added to the donations to swell the final figure.

The Grand Master of UGLV thanked the delegation of brethren who accompanied our Grand Master and noted the commitment that was displayed in transporting the huge pillars, globes, smoke machine, wooden steps, projector and various ancillaries to deliver the production.

In his response, the Grand Master MW Bro Les Hicks presented MW Bro Anthony Bucca (GM Victoria) with a beautiful glass plaque to commemorate the occasion.

The evening finished with brethren from both states enjoying a ‘deep south’, the consumption of a few drams and lots of ‘true stories’. There was much laughter and cementing of friendships between our respective Grand Lodges. A wonderful end to a brilliant weekend with our fraternity doing all the things that brethren do so well.

The Flight of the Winding Stairs

A principal feature of the Second Degree Tracing Board is the story of the Winding Stairs leading to the Middle Chamber where the Craftsmen received their wages. Commonly referred to as ‘The Flight’, the presentation brings to life the great pillars that meet a Fellowcraft when entering the porch of King Solomon’s Temple, before he ascends the flight of winding stairs to the Middle Chamber.

It is becoming increasingly popular as a District event in NSW & ACT and has attracted the interest of brethren who have been in the Craft for decades as well as those members who have recently completed any of the first three degrees. ‘The Flight’ provides an interactive experience for all brethren in their masonic journey. The script, floorwork and special effects are a result of a collaboration between VW Bro Jurjen Tayag and RW Bro Don Pandes, effectively combining portions of the sectional lectures and their research into various jurisdictions’ Second Degree rituals. This has made ‘The Flight’ a practical method of education delivered with a delightfully creative use of the whole lodge room as a stage.

‘The Flight’ began in the First Degree with the introduction of RW Bro Khris Albano DGM, who involved the EAFs with an extended version of the charge traditionally given by the Senior Warden to a newly initiated brother when being presented with his apron. It was followed by a review of the grand principles, modes of recognition and cardinal virtues using a question and-answer approach while engaging in a subtle perambulation to highlight the relevancy of the lodge room and furnishings.

The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree and MW Bro Bucca handed the gavel to our Grand Master. After introducing the event, MW Bro Hicks directed the participants to take their positions, which caused the room to be transformed into a representation of the Second Tracing Board. All was now ready to portray the journey of Craftsmen into the Middle Chamber of King Solomon’s Temple, with both iconic great pillars rising over the entrance of the lodge, and the winding stairs spread around the mosaic pavement. The ancient wardens portrayed by RW Bro Zaldy Angeles PAGM and RW Bro Arnel Landicho PAGM, guided two volunteers who were placed in their proper position between the pillars. Serendipitously, the volunteers were true-life siblings from both Sydney and Melbourne which highlighted the representation from both jurisdictions. The volunteers then ascended the winding stairs with RW Bro Pandes and VW Bro Tayag acting as deacons, giving extra details as they climbed the stairs.

A high-tech surprise embedded in the pillars was the handiwork of VW Bro Edgar Dela Cruz JGD PDGDC, which elicits awe in all who have been involved. All this added to the overall experience of reaching the Middle Chamber, where further information was shared including the duality of meaning of the suspended letter G.

‘The Flight’ was delivered with audio and visual effects. The well choreographed placement of props and their timely removal was described by many as professional in its theatre-like execution, made possible by support brethren discreetly working in the background.

A wonderful and educational presentation that made this year’s ‘Hands Across The Border’ another successful and memorable event.

Thanks to MW Bro Bucca and the Freemasons Victoria Facebook page for supplying quotes used in this article.



The GM of UGL NSW & ACT, MW Bro Les Hicks presenting the GM of UGL Victoria, MW A plaque commemorating the 2024 event Bro Bucca with a memento of the occasion.








A plaque commemorating the 2024 event



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