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27 June 24

It’s no secret

It’s hard to determine whether a book can demolish the myths of ages and at the same time satisfy a curiosity which has existed for centuries

Author Dan Brown stirred public imagination with The Da Vinci Code, and prompted even further interest with his latest offering, The Lost Symbol, which used Masonry as a major background.

The two books once more brought to the forefront the public wonderings about Freemasonry with newspaper and magazine articles, radio and television interviews and the usual for and against discussion.

At masonic headquarters in Sydney, it was decided it was about time that Freemasonry stood on its feet and publicly fought back against its detractors and critics with an official book to clarify some of the popular beliefs and misbeliefs. As the Grand Master, MW Bro Dr Gregory Levenston says in his foreword to the book: ‘Freemasonry has been misunderstood for far too long. This book explains that the purpose of Freemasonry is to do good, to build better lives and to be of service to society’.

 ‘Some people question the purpose of the Craft, some fear it, some praise it. Women get a say in these pages. Freemasonry has helped hundreds of thousands of Australians – it has great benefits and can share them with you.’

 The masonic reveal-all It’s No Secret Real Men Wear Aprons goes a long way to debunking the once-popular conception of masons being a secretive, anti-women, manipulating group of men.

Editor Peter Lazar AM pulls no punches in detailing the history of the worldwide organisation, short biographies of famous members, the background to some of its ceremonies and its aims and objectives.

 The traditional reluctance of Freemasonry to talk about itself gets a battering in this book which throws light on how Freemasonry values freedom, equality and fraternity. It tells how the Craft can be examined on the internet, at museums, at libraries and bookstores where there are numerous volumes available for reading.

It details the charities quietly supported by masons, of the multiple Homes for aged and elderly people around NSW, the youth welfare and schools support, of leading by example.

Undoubtedly there will be critics. Some people are never satisfied.

But this book will go a long way to fill in the gaps for the general public and give a better idea of Freemasonry, what it stands for and what it seeks to achieve.

It’s No Secret –Real Men Wear Aprons is available at bookstores, newsagents, Grand Lodge and from Lodge Secretaries.


The following text is taken from the back cover of It's No Secret –Real Men Wear Aprons

Freemasons have been active in Australia since Joseph Banks came ashore with Captain Cook. This silent band of brothers exists in almost every town and suburb of Australia. But who are they? What are they up to? Are their rituals really secret?

This book lifts the lid on Freemasonry in Australia. It reveals the secrets of the Craft and the stories of many famous Freemasons –Don Bradman, ‘Weary’ Dunlop, Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, ‘Dally’ Messenger, Sir James Hardy, Chips Rafferty and ‘Bud’ Tingwell amongst them.

Ten Australian Prime Ministers and many of the adventurers, inventors, entrepreneurs and pillars of society we have come to know and admire were Freemasons. Did it help them to succeed? This book takes the reader on a guided tour of Freemasonry in Australia. It reveals the Craft’s inner sanctums, and the ancient rituals Freemasons use to learn and teach. It shows how the Craft embraces all cultures, welcomes all religions, provides friendship and helps masons to develop themselves and to be happy.

And it talks about a new future in which the wisdom of Freemasonry could well be directed in new, untested ways.

As appeared in the December 2009 Freemason

Editors note -This book is no longer being published, so keep an eye out for it in the wild, read it and donate it back to your lodge.


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