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Lodge Novacastria Celebrates the 12th Installation Meeting since Re-Consecration

20 July 23

On Saturday the 15th July 2023, Lodge Novacastria No. 765 held their annual Installation and Investiture of officers. W Bro Joseph Balasabas was Re-Installed as Worshipful Master in a beautiful ceremony conducted by W Bro Erwin Bernarte GSTW. The Representative of the MW Grand Master was RW Bro John Andrews PAGM, Chairman of Buildings on the Board of Management.

During the meeting, RW Bro John Andrews had the pleasure to present to his younger Brother and the DGIW of District 14, VW Bro Peter Andrews with his certificate and jewel of the District Masonic Award for Distinguished Service which was awarded at the June Grand Communication in Sydney to VW Brother Andrews.

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Following the meeting where 66 brethren were in the lodge room, they moved to the Banquet, there to join just under 100 Ladies, Guests and children. A full bar was on offer with cocktails being made to order. A beautiful two course meal was delivered to the tables by Alexandra O'kane and her wonderful helpers and staff which was very much enjoyed by all, the WM’s wife Gena prepared a pre ceremonial feast for all that would rival any 5-star high tea.

The lodges Moto T.E.A.M  (Together, Everyone, Achieves, More) Was most definitely on display.

At the proposition of the Grand Masters toast the Representative RW Bro John Andrews rose and responded with admiration for Lodge Novacastria, for which he is a member. He conveyed special messages from the MW Grand Master and congratulated the WM on his Re-Installation, he then went on to offer a small poem from a booklet named “A Goldmine of Masonic Thoughts and Speeches” which he presented to the WM after reciting a small ditty entitled " Just a little more" RW Bro Andrews closed his response with "WM, you are most certainly filling your cup and adding a little more with everything you do for this Lodge".

Just A Little More

I recall the kind old grocer
when the sugar he would pour,

How he'd tip the scale to balance,
then he'd add - just a little bit more.

My, how his business prospered,
folks were always at his store,

For he'd give an honest measure,
then he'd add - just a little more.

So it is with life, my brother,
we would build a better score;

If, when we've done what is expected,
we'd add - just a little more.

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RW Bro John Andrews is a lover of motorcycles and Harley Davidsons, The WM presented him with a Harley branded wall clock as a token of appreciation.  



Where Lodge Novacastria has come from.

The original Lodge Novacastria 765 was formed in 1949 and met at the Sedgewick Hall, Newcastle West, the charter was surrendered in 1985.

A group of Masons with an interest in motorcycling met and decided to form a Lodge for motorcycle enthusiasts meeting at Wallsend. It was decided to apply for re-issue of the surrendered Lodge Novacastria 765 Charter, the application was granted and the Grand Master

MW Bro Dr Gregory Levenston Grand Master, re-consecrated Lodge Novacastria 765 on 24th July 2010 to meet at the Wallsend Masonic Centre, on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm (now meets on the 1st Wednesday of the odd months and have a social dining nights on the even months).

Lodge Novacastria was re-formed with the aim of creating a Freemason's Lodge where Brethren and their partners and family can meet, greet, eat together and enjoy each other's company in a more social and relaxed atmosphere whilst still bearing in mind the usual Masonic traditions.

It is important, as it aims to enhance and strengthen our social values and develop that Brotherhood and friendship outside the traditional Masonic Lodge settings.Lodge Novacastria continues to thrive by inclusion of families and by working within their community to assist those less fortune. Congratulations to the WM and Brethren of Lodge Novacastria 765, and here’s to a very successful Masonic year ahead.

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