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Many masonic steps over 60 years

25 July 24

The work of the morning was a talk from RW Bro Howard Connor PAGM on his masonic journey over the last sixty years.

Tables were placed in the lodge to cater for his extensive array of certificates received over the years for the perusal of all attendees. After lodge business was conducted it was called from labour to refreshment to admit ladies and visitors. Howard gave a detailed insight into all the Orders of Freemasonry from his Initiation to the highest rank in the 33rd degree. His talk covered the time from his initiation in 1964 to his installation as Worshipful Master in 1970.

But his journey didn’t stop there. Howard was re-installed into the Chair in 2004, and again from 2013–15. This was interwoven with his time as Organist from 1972 right through to 2013, with intermissions only when serving as Worshipful Master. Howard’s musical skills were in great demand, playing the organ for all lodges in his district. He was also the organist of the Grafton Presbyterian Church for 77 years!

He was appointed as DGIW for District 64 in 1974.

Apart from his journey in the Craft, Howard’s masonic activities extended to the Royal Arch Degree, Mark Master, Royal Arc Mariners, Red Cross Council, Cryptic Council, St Lukes Chapter, Order of the Temple of Scotland, Order of Grand Imperial Conclave, Marquis Ailsa Conclave No 5 and Order of Malta, achieving Grand Rank in many of these orders.

A highlight was being invited to serve for five years as Inspector General of NSW North Coast in the 33rd Degree. Howard completed 40 years in the Order in 2007

After the talk the ladies and visitors retired and the Lodge was called from refreshment to labour. DGIW RW Bro Gary Chandler had the pleasing duty of presenting Howard with his 60 year certificate. The meeting also recognised the masonic milestones of other members during the last twelve months; two members received 70 year certificates, two for 60 years and three for 50 years.

Afterwards the Junior Warden invited everyone to the South Grafton Services Club for a Chinese banquet, kindly paid for by Lodge Ulmarra.


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