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Our Journey to the Chair in 2023: A Bond that Ties Us Stronger Together

04 December 23

“My husband, my son, my brothers… my daughter, my sister”.

By: Sister Jheannie Callao 
Worthy Matron, Malvern Chapter No. 60, Order of the Eastern Star


Our story is not uncommon. It started from a friendship bonded by being members of the Masonic Youth Orders, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (Rainbow) and The Order of the DeMolay (DeMolay). It was only a matter of time when my husband, Worshipful Master Lawrence “John” Callao joined Lodge Blacktown Kildare 393 and I joined Malvern Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star (Eastern Star). We were both drawn to the Masonic principles of brotherhood and sisterhood, charity, and self-improvement. For John becoming a Freemason was not just about individual growth but also about upholding a family tradition dating back generations, him being a 3rd generation mason. Thus, we actively participated in the reconsecration of a DeMolay Chapter and Rainbow Assembly in Blacktown Masonic Centre where both our kids Julian Callao, Master Councillor, Phoenix Blacktown Chapter and Lauren Callao, Sister of Hope, Cumberland Assembly are active members.

Our Masonic journey has not been a silver platter handed but the family found strength in our Masonic principles. Like any other family, our Masonic family journey had its share of challenges. The dedication required with Masonic involvement may mean time away from family events, which can be a source of strain. In our case, it is different. Masonic commitments and activities mean an opportunity to bond together, socially and in service to the community. The sense of belonging, purpose, and shared values often outweigh any of the challenges we’ve faced.

For many women, their introduction to the Masonic family begins when their husband becomes a Freemason. This journey often involves attending Masonic events, supporting their husband's involvement, and embracing the principles of the fraternity. In my case, along with most of my sisters in the Eastern Star who have husbands, brothers in Freemasonry, the connection is distinctive. We share a deep understanding of Masonic teachings and values, as well as a sense of pride in their commitment to the fraternity. This bond I share with John and the rest of my family which can be a source of inspiration, fostering a profound appreciation for the shared principles of morality, charity, and brotherly love. As a wife of a Freemason, I not just support my husband’s participation, we both have been encouraging each other on how we best can lead and be part of the Masonic community.

While women cannot become Freemasons, they can join the Order of the Eastern Star. The Eastern Star is a Masonic organization for women and serves as a way for wives, sisters, and daughters of Masons to participate in Masonic-related activities. It provides a welcoming space for women to be active participants in the Masonic experience, forging bonds of sisterhood that complement the bonds of brotherhood within the Masonic fraternity.


Women in the Eastern Star experience their own initiations and rituals, deepening our understanding of Masonic principles and values. Through our common values and dedication to charity and community service, the Eastern Star and Masonic family continue to illuminate the path towards a more connected and compassionate society. Just like Freemasonry, the Eastern Star is actively involved in charitable activities and community engagement. Chapters frequently organize fundraisers, support local causes, and contribute to various charitable projects. This commitment to making a positive impact on society aligns with the broader Masonic commitment to charity and community service.

When children join masonic youth organisations, such in DeMolay and Rainbow, it marks the continuation of a Masonic legacy within the family. As parents, we take on a role as supportive mentors, offering guidance and promote the shared values and seeing them embrace Masonic values and rituals can be a source of great pride. We believe that the journey of a Masonic family exemplifies the enduring power of the Masonic Fraternity to connect future generations and build a sense of honour, integrity, and brotherhood. 

Our story serves as a testament to the profound impact that Freemasonry can have on families, fostering a deep sense of tradition, unity, and moral uprightness that transcends time and place. Collectively, our journey is one of shared values, commitment to charity, and a deep connection to a centuries-old tradition. We shall strive to contribute to the strength and continuity of the Masonic family, fostering a sense of unity and purpose that extends through generations.

We are proud to be a part of the masonic community for all the teachings and values we have grown to live by, not just individually but also as a family. We are even fortunate to be surrounded and supported by brothers and sisters who exemplifies similar beliefs land upholds the same principles. This for me embodies the whole-being of a Masonic family.

My husband’s Installation as Worshipful Master, August 2023

My son Julian Callao’s Installation as Master Councillor, June 2023

My Installation as Worthy Matron, Oct 2023


DeMolay & Rainbow BBQ Picnic Day, Nov 2019


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