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26 November 24

The September 2024 Quarterly Communication was the last to be chaired by MW Bro Les Hicks as Grand Master, and the evening contained many reminiscences and nostalgia. Due to the impending Grand Installation, it was a very scaled back affair – but nonetheless well attended.

The Grand Master thanked all brethren who had worked hard to support the Craft during his term of office and made particular mention of the Past Grand Masters and other officers who have served Grand Lodge so well. MW Bro Hicks detailed the many events that he had attended since the last communication and highlighted the reconsecration of Lodge Aviation 688.

A letter had been received from RW Bro Alan Farrell who had expressed his profound thanks for assistance rendered by brethren following the fall he had after the June communication. The Grand Master read the letter and added his thanks while encouraging all masons to display similar brotherly love and concern should similar incidents occur.

MW Bro Hicks thanked RW Bro Khris Albano, Deputy Grand Master for his exemplary support while he and Narelle were absent on a well-deserved holiday.

The Grand Master spoke of the Grand Installation weekend taking place on 27, 28 and 29 September with many events happening: a ‘Meet and Greet’ evening, a breakfast, a harbour cruise and, of course, the Grand Installation ceremony itself followed by the banquet. A few tickets were still available to the Grand Installation Ceremony although the banquet was by then fully booked.

In closing his final address, the Grand Master reflected on what was a very busy, enjoyable and particularly humbling part of his life that will leave him with many memories he will cherish forever. He said that the past three years had given him a whole new respect and admiration for all those Grand Masters who came before him. He concluded by exhorting the jurisdiction to support the Grand Master elect, RW Bro Khris Albano during his term of office.

On behalf of other Past Grand Masters, MW Bro Greg Levenston congratulated and thanked the Grand Master for his tireless work during his term of office. This was followed by a long and hearty round of applause by all present.


The next Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication and Dinner will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 7:30 pm

The Communication is open to all members of Grand Lodge, which includes all Master Masons. Other brethren are invited to attend as observers.


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