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The Order of Amaranth

14 September 23

Under the direction of the Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth Inc., based in the United States of America, the Order in Australia has been established in the states of New South Wales (2 Courts), Victoria (1 Courts), (as of March 2023, The Grand Court of New South Wales surrendered their Charter and the Order of the Amaranth Courts in Australia now come under the governance of the Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth Inc)

Each Court has a Royal Matron and a Royal Patron to govern the affairs of each Court, each having their own particular set of Rules and Regulations with meetings held on a monthly basis. The Grand Court is governed by a Grand Royal Matron and Grand Royal Patron and having their own particular set of By-Laws with the Supreme Council governed by a Supreme Royal Matron and Supreme Royal Patron and covered by the Supreme Constitution which also contains rules for the Grand and

Sub-ordinate Courts. All officers are elected into office annually in each of the three bodies. Other countries that the Order currently exists in are: United States of America, Canada, England, Scotland and the Philippines. No Regalia is required and a joining fee does apply.

Who do we admit?

The Order welcomes all Master Masons (Which also includes Royal Arch Masons) and their respective female relations i.e. wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, stepdaughters, legally adopted daughters, widows, half-sisters, aunts, nieces, great-granddaughters and grandmothers to be members of the Order to enjoy fulfilling fraternal gatherings together as part of the Masonic family. Also, any member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls and/or Job’s Daughters who have had active service within their Orders. There exists no more nearly a Masonic ‘Family’ meeting ground of Masons and their families than is found in the Order of the Amaranth. That is why one finds in the Amaranth Courts so many husbands and wives serving, attending and enjoying a fuller and richer Masonic heritage together than is possible anywhere else in the world.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Picture7.jpgWhat is our history?

The Order is based on the Court of Queen Christina of Sweden, where it was sup- ported by Royal pomp, dignity and the magnificence of the Ladies and Knights of her Royal Court. She created the Order of the Amaranth for Ladies and Knights building it around the character of Lady Amarantha, who was portrayed as being a beautiful, virtuous and talented Lady of the Court. The Order was perpetuated and today the Order of the Amaranth is one of Sweden’s oldest chivalric orders. It had no Masonic connections when first established.

In 1860 James B Taylor a prominent mason in New Jersey, using the Order of the Amaranth as existing in Sweden, adopted and altered its ceremonies and language so as to make it appropriate to Masonic purposes, which with s me revisions are in universal use today.

In 1873 the Supreme Council was formally organised in New York City by Robert MaCoy 33˚ Vicar General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Southern Jurisdiction. Robert MaCoy’s intention was to make three degrees, ‘Eastern Star’, ‘Queen of the South’ and ‘Amaranth’ as pictured in the Amaranth ritual. His plan was to have three degrees given separately but under the control of one body. In 1921 the Order voted that we remove the ‘Eastern Star’ as a basis for membership of our Order and now our membership is taken from Master Masons and their female relations.

Symbols and ritual:

We are recognized by the symbol of the Crown and sword, emblems of Royalty and Power surrounded by the Amaranthine wreath with its everlasting leaves of green reminding us of our belief in immortality joined together with a bow of red on which is emblazoned the initials O of A.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Picture8.jpg

he Order of the Amaranth is a gem of Masonry, for its structure, its ritual, its principles being of Masonic Family origin, are all a beautiful expansion of the basic structure, rituals and principles of our ancient and wonderful Masonic Orders, which have existed for centuries. The Order of the Amaranth is a means by which it is permitted to practice the principles of Masonry. It is one of the vehicles and conveyances by which we carry on friendship, love of humanity, patriotism and service to our country and fellowmen.

What does all this mean?

The Order of the Amaranth means many things to many people. To its early members it meant the opportunity to build a strong foundation of Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity. A Fraternal Order, having for its purpose service to humanity, set to the music of Fraternal Love. To its present members the Order of the Amaranth means a challenge to build upon these foundations of Fraternal Love and Service. It means the Hand of Fraternal Friendship to those in distress for whatever reason, the opportunity to serve others, to enrich our lives with strength and courage to achieve higher and nobler things. Benevolence and charity – truly Masonic characteristics we all want to cherish and practice in every facet of our lives as an example of the worth of being a member of the Order of the Amaranth.

Many charities e.g. Royal Flying Doctor Service, Care Flight, Cure for Life, Heart Foundation, have benefited from the generous donations, work and gifts that are made on behalf of the Order through each Court and Grand Court with the Supreme Body supporting Diabetes Research as their philanthropic project each year. Not only do members give to charities but they provide their time free to assist wherever they are needed or whenever there is a need.

Who may join the Order of Amaranth?

All Master Masons in good standing within the Masonic Fraternity and Ladies who are not related to a Master Mason are able to join the Order of the Amaranth upon the recommendation of two Master Masons who are in Good Standing with their Lodge, along with the usual recommendations of two members of the Order of the Amaranth.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Crowning--768x1024.jpg                                   Royal Matron being Crowned at the Grand Installation, by Honoured Lady Katie Wallace Past Royal Matron Crowning Honoured Lady Carona Win from Wagga Wagga as Royal Matron of Royal Victoria Court

Want to join? – is there a court near you?

Hawkesbury Court No 18 NSW
Meets at the Hawkesbury Masonic Centre, 731 George Street, South Windsor
on the 1st Thursday 1.00 pm

Central Lakes Court No 20 NSW
Meets at the Wyong Masonic
365 Pacific Highway, Wyong NSW 2259
on the Second Saturday at 11-00 am

Contact Judy Price at [email protected] or visit


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