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The Order of the Eastern Star (OES)

31 August 23

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organisation in the world to which both women and Master Masons may belong. The Order was developed in 1850 by MW Bro Dr Robert Morris, a lawyer, Masonic Lecturer and Poet Laureate of Freemasonry. The Order was established in Australia in Queensland in 1912, in New South Wales in 1913 and then progressively through other States.

There are three governing bodies:  The United Grand Chapter of Australia established in 1985 administers Chapters in all States and Australian Capital Territory; The Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland and General Grand Chapter in the United States of America.

The symbols of the Order

Each of the five Points of the Star represents a significant female role in our lives – wife, widow, mother, sister, daughter – and has been allocated not only a colour and a symbol but also a guiding virtue – fidelity, constancy, loyalty, faith and love. The lessons are designed to make a pro- found and lasting impression upon all to whom they are addressed. The Holy Book in the centre of the Star reminds us of the existence of a Supreme Being. The Order of the Eastern Star is non-denominational and non-sectarian.


To encourage members to work for the benefit of the community, extend generous support for charitable purposes; extend fraternal regard; friendship to others; support in the practicalities of day to day living and promote the ideals of the Order.

What does the Order have to offer?

The Order offers opportunities for women and men to meet new friends and enjoy the special fellowship a fraternal order provides. Our virtues inspire members to be better family members, friends and contribute to the community.


Although originally created for female relatives of Freemasons, the Order is open to any woman over the age of 18 who has a belief in the existence of a supreme being’ and men who are Master Masons.

To get the most out of membership in the Order you need to enjoy being part of an historic and inspiring organisation and have a desire to help others. Meetings are designed to reinforce the lessons of the Order, and social functions, aside from raising charity money, reconfirm friendships old and new.

What do members wear to meetings?

• For women: long white outfit, long white slacks with longer top, pant suits.

• For men: black dinner suit or kilt and white long sleeve shirt. Regalia is supplied.

• Fees: There is a joining fee and ongoing yearly fees.

Charitable support

In addition to fulfilling the aims and objectives for which the Order was established, the members support local, state, national and international charitable appeals. From1997 to 2010 the Order has donated over $5m to national charitable causes.

Members of the Order, particularly in NSW and Queensland, proudly support aged care facilities which they have established and operate. Support is also given to Government and Community Aged Care facilities.

The Grand Chapter of NSW & ACT is represented by 19 Grand Office-bearers and the term of office is 1 year.  The Annual General Meeting and Installation is held in Sydney on the 3rd Saturday in March. 

NSW & ACT Grand Office-bearers

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For Further information visit the OES Website: or email for NSW & ACT Contact Grand Chapter at [email protected]


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