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The Red Cross of Constantine

29 August 23

The Masonic and Military Order of Rome and the
Red Cross of Constantine
and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist

Throughout the ages, the great philosophers of the day have sought to explain the reasons behind man’s, existence – ie. the word, the truth, the teacher, the NE PLUS ULTRA, with varied success.

With the development of the lodge concept in the Middle Ages, and the expansion of the Holy Bible in written form, there is ample evidence that ceremonies incorporating features of the Holy Royal Arch were in existence to assist in conveying the meanings of the ‘philosophic thinking’ of the day. From 1717 on, with the restructure of Craft Masonic cere- monies with universal attributes, the Holy Royal Arch developed as we know it today. From the 1750s, new Christian related ceremonies were developed which enabled man to understand his existence; the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is one of those.

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For those seeking a career path in their Masonry, the symbolism within the Craft, followed by the philosophic depth of the Holy Royal Arch ceremony will lead you into the Red Cross of Constantine Order.  This is where a more comprehensive under- standing of the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science in the Craft degrees will be found; your new journey of discovery and enlightenment will begin. This Masonic Order is chivalric and Christian in nature and is of international importance. It encourages you, as a companion, to seek a greater understanding of Masonry through your enjoyment of the Constantine experience.

The historical setting of the Order is the time of Constantine the Great, Emperor of Rome, and features his well-known vision of a cross in the heavens which led to his victory at the battle of the Milvian Bridge (Oct. AD 312). After his consequent acceptance of the Christian Faith he ordered Maximinus II Daia to cease his repression of the Christians.

The full title of the order is The Masonic and Military Order of Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist.

The candidate, who must be a Royal Arch Mason and profess his belief in the Holy Trinity, is first admitted as a Knight of Rome and then in a ceremony based on Constantine’s vision is installed as a Knight Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine.

The two Appendant degrees, which are included in the workings of the Order, are Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Knight of Saint John the Evangelist. These degrees are taken on another night after the candidate is installed as a Knight of Rome.

Statue of Constantine, York, EnglandThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CON5.png

The Knight of the Holy Sepulchre originated after the discovery of the True Cross by St Helena and draws its content from the three days which intervened between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Knight of St John the Evangelist is founded on a great discovery made at the ruins of the Temple at Jerusalem and the subsequent foundation of the Knights of St John. The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is considered by many, throughout Freemasonry worldwide, to be the highest.

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