Unity and Fellowship
09 December 24
Reflecting on the District 25 Third Degree Raising Event.
By VW Bro Troy Quimpo
As DGIW for District 25, I am honoured to share the details of a district meeting on 24 May that transcended mere ceremonial import to become a profound demonstration of masonic unity and brotherly love.
After a hiatus caused by the pandemic, and with the joy of welcoming a new lodge into our fold, I reached out to VW Bro Amit Sen to spearhead what would become a momentous event, when we came together for the Raising of Bro Ramesh Krishnaswamy, a dedicated and worthy mason.
The evening was hosted by Lodge Indus, who proved to be a gracious host to over 90 masons from within our district and beyond. Representatives from at least eleven other lodges answered our call, each contributing their finest ritualists to support W Bro Vivek Papineni. This collective effort was a spirited embodiment of the scriptural adage from Philippians 2:4, ‘Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others,’ showcasing the selflessness at the heart of our fraternity.
The coordination of such a complex joint ritual – with its intricate rhythm, timing, and cues – required a deep connection among all participants. The unity of our hearts and minds was palpable, and the event unfolded flawlessly, a testament to the skilled craftsmanship and heartfelt dedication of all involved. A special note of gratitude is owed to the District Lodge of Instruction, and the expertise of RW Bro Dimantha Goonasekera PJGW, who served as the Director of Ceremonies, ensuring everything ran seamlessly.
The ceremony reached a poignant climax when RW Bro Terry McCallum delivered the ‘Walking Charge’, an unexpected and deeply moving presentation. Steeped in masonic tradition and delivered with solemn grace, it added a profound layer of significance to the evening, reminding us of the enduring lessons and responsibilities that accompany the degree of a Master Mason.
The evening culminated with a delightful feast of Indian cuisine in the South, marking a perfect close to a day of earnest masonic labour. There was warmth and joy in the air, with lively conversations and the forging of new bonds. The diverse and rich flavors of the meal mirrored the diversity and richness of our Masonic community.
Reflecting on the night from the head table, alongside the Worshipful Master and the candidate, I was struck by the profound realization that such gatherings are the essence of true Freemasonry – the vibrant unity of brethren under a single roof, united by a common goal.
To all who participated and contributed to making the District 25 Raising event a landmark occasion, your efforts are deeply appreciated. You exemplify the greatest virtues of Freemasonry, and I am profoundly grateful to stand among such a distinguished fellowship. Let us continue to support one another, look beyond our individual needs, and contribute to the collective strength and welfare of our brotherhood.