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Visiting overseas lodges

22 September 23

The Committee on Foreign Correspondence in its June report said it had received a number of reports over the last twelve months of brethren contacting other Grand Lodges directly and has issued a reminder that masonic protocol dictates that contact should only be from one Grand Lodge to another.

Deputy Grand Secretary RW Bro Chris Craven said if you wish to visit a lodge in another jurisdiction during your travels, it is best to make enquiries with the Secretariat in advance. Advice can be given as to the regular Grand Lodge to contact and visit and arrangements can also be made with contacts of individual lodges.

Various styles of identification can be ascertained to make your trip more enjoyable. There is nothing quite as disap­pointing as attending a meeting unan­nounced and being refused entry. There has been too many instances of this hap­pening due to insufficient identification.

Brethren also should be aware that Freemasonry can be quite different in other jurisdictions. Even meeting times, frequency and who can attend can vary widely. By contacting the Grand Secretariat we can get as much information for you as possible so that you will not be disappointed on arrival.

RW Bro Craven also said brethren should be aware that Freemasonry is not allowed or is unpopular in some coun­tries and that outside signs of affiliation may cause problems. Look carefully at local conditions or customs.

So before you go, be sure to write to:

The Secretariat The United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT PO Box A259, Sydney South, NSW 1235 Or email: [email protected]



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