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Grand Master's Newsletter - August 2023

14 September 23

Brethren: Welcome to my August 2023 Newsletter

The year is flying past. It’s now August and there is much to talk about. In this newsletter I have some good news about membership management, some well earned congratulations to brethren who will be serving Grand Lodge, and some experiences to share.

Membership Management

I am very pleased to report that – in response to many complaints and sound professional advice – a new membership database is currently under trial and a successful announcement expected soon.

The original system was at the end of its life span and an initial upgrade was enacted. This allowed the exploration of innovative integrated business technology – a technology designed to provide the organisation with a much more effective membership management system.

Technology is an essential part of everyday life. The Operative Mason stonecutters of the Middle Ages were at the cutting edge (pardon the pun) of technology. Similarly, membership organisations need to provide members with the same (or better) tools and time- saving initiatives they enjoy elsewhere. We want our members to stay, learn and lead the Craft into the future, and this can only be achieved if our structure plays its part to help them balance work, play and masonic obligations.

The brethren are being listened to

Over the past 18 months or so we received both professional advice and members’ advice about the functionality of the current system. Quite simply, the original system and its upgrade just weren’t cutting it. Please be assured, when the membership speaks, I act. Important issues you raised were addressed. Your valuable advice was heard, the feedback was absorbed, and suggestions were incorporated into what I am sure will soon be an irreplaceable addition to our masonic lives. Our CMS system could not have been created without your help.

Our system will be easier to use, cheaper to maintain and simpler to navigate. We will soon be unveiling a completely new membership interface that will: grow and evolve, be accurate, and will be our own fit-for-purpose masonic website, data base and Content Management System.

Making it work

Brethren, it will soon be over to you to do your bit to help make the system work. It needs input from individual members, Lodge Secretaries, Membership Officers and District Grand Inspectors of Workings. All membership management systems are only as good as the information put in them. To paraphrase Timothy Leary: turn on, log in and help out! Every member can now make sure his membership records are up to date and accurate. Similarly, Lodge Secretaries are urged to explore the new system, discover the joys of paperless administration and take advantage of a revised and simplified membership admission process. If you have not already done so, please make sure your lodge’s 2023/24 capitation information is accurate. This will make sure the updated system is as accurate as possible before we launch it.

Hearty Congratulations

At the last communication, as is customary, Officers for the coming masonic year were elected and appointed.

There were three elections for office, and I congratulate the winners and thank those who were not successful for having the commitment to stand for office.

The full list of elected and appointed officers for the 2023–24 year is in the members’ section under Communication Reports. I thank them for putting themselves forward to serve the Craft. They will all donate a great deal of time, give of their ceremonial and professional expertise, all with the shared goal: to make Freemasonry in this jurisdiction the best it can be. My sincere thanks to you all.

Enjoying Freemasonry

I enjoy and cherish every moment I spend with brethren in their lodges. So many lodges are thriving, we are attracting more men to Masonry, and as Grand Master 

I want to give my support to all corners of this jurisdiction. Yes, it’s a huge undertaking, but one I signed up for.

It gives me the privilege of meeting with brethren throughout the state. I hear about the issues facing our lodges at a grass roots level and get many valuable suggestions. The knowledge I get helps me learn what you want from your Grand Lodge and it shapes the way our wonderful Craft is structured to offer continuing strength and support for all our lodges.

Thanks for your support and let’s keep the Craft flourishing with Humility, Kindness and Generosity.

Les Hicks
Grand Master


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