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100 plus at Sir Joseph Banks

16 August 2024

On a hot Sunday in March, Lodge Sir Joseph Banks celebrated the 100th anniversary of the laying of the Lodge’s ...

Freemasons donate $6,000 to Fragile X

08 August 2024

Recently at Lodge Ku-ring-gai RW Bro Graham Piper presented a cheque for $6,000 to the Fragile X Association. The cheque ...

Celtic overtones to an initiation

31 July 2024

Mr Anthony (Anton) Michael Covre took his first step in Freemasonry and was initiated into The Glen Innes Lodge. At this ...

Lodge Caledonia’s 65th installation

30 July 2024

Recently at the Canberra Masonic Centre, Lodge Caledonia of Canberra celebrated its 65th installation. The Master of the Lodge, W Bro ...

A New Lodge of Instruction: City of Sydney Lodge of Instruction

29 July 2024

Receiving the official license in June 2024. This Lodge marks a significant milestone for Freemasonry in the Sydney Basin, as it ...

Have you ever wondered what the future of Freemasonry looks like?

27 July 2024

The presence of 22 Entered Apprentice Freemasons at a recent event showcased the vibrant future of Freemasonry. Their enthusiasm and dedication were ...

Now that’s an Installation banquet!

26 July 2024

From the very start the Installation showed every sign of being a success. The Masonic Centre at Kelso was really heaving ...

Many masonic steps over 60 years

25 July 2024

The work of the morning was a talk from RW Bro Howard Connor PAGM on his masonic journey over the ...

Fighting prostate cancer

23 July 2024

The brethren of Lodge Lake Macquarie worked hard in 2023 to raise $5,714.85 towards a very worthy cause in the ...

A man of humility and service

21 July 2024

On 12 June 2023, RW Bro John Jacobson PDGM was recognised on the King’s Birthday honours list when he was ...

Grand Lodge goes to Victoria

14 July 2024

‘Hands Across the Border’ (HATB) is an annual meeting between brethren from NSW & ACT and Victoria. By RW Bro Khris ...

Pipe dreams

08 July 2024

At their initiation, brethren are exhorted in the Final Charge to study the liberal arts and sciences, one of which ...

Nowra Freemasons' Installation Banquet Raises $3280 for Local Causes

28 June 2024

Lodge Nowra Unity No. 60 recently celebrated its Re-Installation Ceremony and Banquet, marking VW Bro David Baker PDGIW's continuation as ...

Experience profound enlightenment and brotherly love through "The Flight of the Winding Stairs" at the Hands Across the Border 2024 event.

30 May 2024

Imagine an evening where Masonic rituals transcend both traditional boundaries and jurisdictional borders, delivering an immersive and theatrical presentation that ...

The Initiation of a Lewis: A Father's Guiding Hand

30 May 2024

In the world of Freemasonry, few moments carry as much significance as the initiation of a Lewis. Lodge Enterprise in Newcastle ...

Dedication Rewarded: George Khoury Raised to Third Degree

29 May 2024

Recently Bro George Khoury was Raised to the Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason at Lodge Artarmon United ...

Project Celestial

15 April 2024

A star-studded raising Some 150 brethren made a pilgrimage to Cowra in February to witness a double-raising held under the strong ...

Grand Master Elect

12 April 2024

At the Quarterly Communication on the evening of 13 March, RW Bro Bernie Khristianne (Khris) Albano, DGM was elected as ...

Lodge Lake Macquarie’s Unwavering Commitment to Charitable Causes

02 April 2024

Freemasons Lake Macquarie – In a remarkable display of community spirit and generosity, the Brethren of Lodge Lake Macquarie No. ...

The Gray Legacy: Five Generations of Freemasonry in NSW

06 March 2024

The story of the Weston-Kurri Kurri Lodge begins with a significant event: the Initiation of Brother Hayden Gray during the ...


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